
UC San Diego

Coming soon . . .

BITS Pilani

Spring 2023:

Flexible & Stretchable Electronics: Teaching Assistant
The course was newly introduced in Spring 2022, and I was a part of its first batch of students. I helped introduce 3 new experiments to the course’s lab component, on ECG signal acquisition, flexible PCB printing and Human-Machine Interfaces. I conducted 2 2-hour long sessions introducing students to COMSOL and its applications in the design and development of flexible electronic systems. I also delivered a 50-minute lecture on human-machine interfaces. My role also included helping conduct the lab sessions, clarifying student doubts and framing questions for the oral viva. I am also contributing to the preparation of a lab manual for the course.

Fall 2022:

Digital Signal Processing: Teaching Assistant
My primary role was to help introduce a hardware lab component in the course. I designed experiments based on a TI TMS320C5515 kit for the students. To do so, I had to figure out how to use and program the kit from the documentations and online tutorials available for the kit. Finally, I helped design 3 labs worth problems for students to solve, conducted demo sessions for the kit, and assisted students with it’s programming. Additionally, I played the role of a normal teaching assistant for the MATLAB-based labs for the course as well. I clarified student doubts, helped them write MATLAB codes to solve lab tasks and lectured briefly at the start of lab classes to help students revise relevant concepts.

Electronic Devices: Teaching Assistant
I helped introduce an interactive Nanohub-based component to the course. I prepared simulation demos using ABACUS for illustrating MOS Capacitors, MOSFETs and BJTs. I also wrote first principles scripts for illustrating drift, diffusion and the continuity equation.

Spring 2022

Microelectronic Circuits, Teaching Assistant
I helped conduct a workshop for students, where we taught them how to perform various tasks using LTSpice. I conducted a session on current mirrors as a part of it. I designed homework problems and provided them with detailed lecture notes for the same. I also clarified student doubts, and helped them navigate LTSpice better.